Cookie Policy

A "cookie" is a small text file that is stored on computers, tablets, mobile phones, and any device used to surf the Internet, which can store navigation information for statistical or functional purposes. Some cookies can be used to recognize the user who displays a particular website, make navigation easier and customize the content. While navigating through our website we can collect information about the traffic flow and site visits of our domain This information, obtained through cookies, [...]

Cookie Policy2017-08-28T18:34:56+02:00


The contents of this website are published by Strega Alberti Benevento S.p.A. (later SAB S.p.A.), with registered offices at Largo Angelo Fochetti 29, 00154 Roma, Italy for sole information purposes, in view of enhancing the knowledge of the company and its products. Before surfing and using the Website, we kindly ask you to carefully read the entire terms and conditions of access shown below, since consent given on your side in the home page or, in any case, [...]



INFORMATIVA SUL TRATTAMENTO DEI DATI PERSONALI ai sensi dell’art. 13 del Regolamento (UE) 2016/679 – in seguito “GDPR” Gentile utente, desideriamo informarla, in conformità alla vigente normativa in materia, in relazione al trattamento dei suoi dati personali, effettuato attraverso il presente sito web. Se sta cercando informazioni in relazione al trattamento dei cookies, queste sono disponibili al seguente link. Titolare del trattamento è Strega Alberti Benevento S.p.a., con sede legale in Largo Angelo Fochetti, 29 – 00154 Roma [...]

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